God loves to bless His children with good gifts. This week God chose to pour out His blessings in a way that I will never forget. Yesterday He gave me the opportunity the share the gospel again with a child I tutored at Lee Elementary. I _DSC0156was so encouraged! Then today, as we jumped into the van and prayed on the way to Bible Club, I didn’t know what God had in store for me. Towards the end of our small group time, I asked one of my girls that when we do bad things where will we go when we die? She replied, “hell”. I asked her, “have you ever done anything bad?” “Yes” she answered. I followed up with “then where will you go when you die?” She thought for a second and then responded, “hell?”. “Does that concern you?” I asked. “Well, I don’t know what hell means.” I explained what hell meant and then shared the gospel with her. She said she hadn’t asked Jesus into her and heart and that she wanted to do so. I went through and asked several questions. By her answers, I knew that she really understood the gospel. God worked in her heartPicture1 and she chose to pray and place her trust in Jesus to forgive her sins. I was SO excited! As I shared the verses in Hebrews about how the Lord is our helper and that God will never leave us, she was so thrilled that God wanted to get to know her and would be with her through everything she faced. God allowed me to share His truth with this little girl. I am so grateful for the way that God’s Spirit worked in her life today. Even though I may never see her again here on this earth, I can rest assured that I will see her on another brighter day in an eternal land where we will see Jesus, our precious Savior, together.
By Katie R.