One of the older boys on my small group asked me this question the first two weeks at Bible club. Those are not easy words for a small group leader to hear.

My partner and I were doing the best we could, trying to make our time with these five boys both fun and meaningful. We prayed, asking God to give us lessons that would be just right for them. I also prayed that more boys would join us, if it was God’s will. My biggest prayer and desire has been that they would understand how real God is, and that each of their lives will be changed for eternity. But how could this happen if they don’t even want to be there?

When my teaching partner and I got together to plan for the third week, I was excited and encouraged. God had showed me that He was more than big enough to work in the hearts of these boys. I just needed to keep my trust in Him.

Our planning session went well, and we were looking forward to our next club meeting. But three of the boys didn’t make it that day, and one of the two who did was the boy who asked to join the other team. We started into our lesson with them and both were engaged. We talked about staying away from evil things that could hurt us and keep us from following Jesus. To demonstrate, we had the boys help us come up with ideas of things we should stay away from. Both of the boys had really good input and it was neat to see them think it through. We wrote their ideas on stickers we had brought. When we were done we went outside and played tag with the stickers. Afterwards we talked about how we should stay away from evil with the same amount of energy we used to get away from the stickers, and continued with our lesson.

The boy never asked to switch teams again. God knew what He was doing when He had only two boys come. I am thankful for the way God works all things out for good, and I pray that the seeds we were able to plant will bear much fruit. Darcie Isitt

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