It is a privilege to be able to share the gospel with such a receptive audience. Yes, some of the children have been tainted by things they have been exposed to, things that have hardened them. However, the gospel still transcends culture and environment. It is truly amazing to see how powerful the gospel is. DSC_0230 - Copy
One week at Bible Club, my teaching partner and I presented the gospel message to our Kindergarten and 1st grade boys. As Tori explained what Christ did for us, they boys made bracelets that had colors to represent each part of the gospel. It was incredible to see how the passion and excitement for the gospel was contagious. We told them that each color on their bracelet told part of the most powerful message that has ever been told. I told them that they could use the colors to tell the story to their friends and family. One of the little boys pointed to his bracelet and said, “I am going to keep this on and tell the story to my kids. I am never goiteam pictureng to take it off, even when I die, they will have to bury me with it!” He was very passionate and excited about the most incredible act of love ever demonstrated.
The power of the gospel message hasn’t changed. It is still powerful, amazing, and awe-inspiring! God is very much alive and He is still transforming lives today!

-Victoria Howell